
workforce [ˈwɜ:kfɔ:s]  [ˈwɜ:rkfɔ:rs] 


workforce 基本解释
workforce 网络解释

1. 员工:一种真实的、用于指导和评价经理人员的平衡记分卡(Balanced Score-card)将包括战略、财务、经营以及员工(workforce)测量指标. 目的将不再证明手段是合理的,公司的违法行为也将不再是企业成功的副产品. 我们可以识别、确定、开发或者淘汰不能创建员工成功的经理人员.

2. 工作人口:with-profit business 可分红业务 | workforce 工作人口 | working balance 周转余额;营运结余

workforce 单语例句

1. It will have a workforce of several thousand employees by 2015, according to the company.

2. Carrier has nearly tripled new equipment production, with a workforce only 10 percent larger.

3. And the investment will soon reap dividends and help improve the quality of the workforce, a necessary and efficient step to upgrade the production chain.

4. workforce

4. This means managing a workforce that comes from all over the world and adapting to an entirely new work setting in a foreign land.

5. You're about to enter the workforce and you need the appropriate clobber.


6. The report also claimed the company's trade union has already agreed to the staff cuts, without talking to the workforce.

7. A shrinking workforce means that wage growth will get even faster and finally strip the country of the competitive edge in terms of labor costs.

8. workforce

8. That legal constraint applies only to the construction industry, because traditionally that was the trade in which outsourced workforce was popular.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. Employers should update their understanding of the market and their workforce and cooperate with governments to promote the institutional maturity of the Chinese labor market.

10. Once the cost of labor exceeds the cost of deploying robots, it is clear what a company will have as its workforce.

workforce 英英释义


1. the force of workers available

    Synonym: work force manpower hands men
