work load在线翻译
1. 工作负荷:工作负荷(work load)是人体在完成特定任务中的最大瞬间力量或在给定时间内可完成工作的量. 又叫工作强度或劳动强度. 工作负荷水平常用能量代谢率(RMR)和其他生理指标来表示. 能量代谢率是工作消耗的能量与基础代谢的比率.
2. 负荷:劳动负荷(work load)评价的目的是把负荷维持在一个适当的水平,以便保护健康并有效地完成工作任务. 1、劳动系统(work system) 系统指交互作用的一些要素构成的整体,劳动系统指包括劳动对象、劳动工具、劳动环境、以及产品等,
3. 负荷量:工作负荷量(Work Load):电脑系统单位时间内,所能承受的最大工作数. F. CPU使用率(CPU Utility):CPU被使用的程度,以%表示,最大为100%. 3. 电脑发展简史 远古时候人们就有计算上的需求,早在三千多年前我国便懂得使用算盘计 算事物,
4. 工作负荷,有效负荷:work clamp 工件夹具 | work load 工作负荷,有效负荷 | work procedure 作业程序,作业主要项目
1. He commented that the proposal shortens working hours by means of cutting manpower, which means an increased work load for those who are on the job.
2. Most of passengers were business people who could not return home before the spring festival because of a heavy work load.
3. The work day should go smoothly for you, as you may have a relatively light work load.
4. As a team existing for only several months, the photo agency's work is intense and heavy load.
5. Heavy work load and pressure make them feel exhausted, and some die of heart attacks or other diseases.
6. work load什么意思
6. Even if part of the fines are used to pay the officers, it is understandable since their work load is unusually heavy given China's traffic conditions.
7. Television offers its own set of challenges that plays and films don't, which is the challenge of the work load and how unstoppable it seems.
8. The Coroner also stated that the weight of debris on the work platform was three times the maximum load capacity.
9. 911查询·英语单词
9. According to officials, the district's street cleaners have a greater work load than street cleaners in other districts.
10. This may be just what you need after you receive a heavier load at work.
1. work that a person is expected to do in a specified time
Synonym: workload