
woodside ['wʊdsaɪd]  ['wʊdˌsaɪd] 

woodside 基本解释
woodside 网络解释


1. 坞塞德:利斯勒和莫勒最近在为一对夫妇设计改装他们位于加利福尼亚州坞塞德(Woodside)的上世纪50年代建筑威廉. 沃斯特(William Wurster)牧场主住宅时有了合作. 7英亩用地面积,再加上一个奥运会规模的游泳池及服务用房,是夫妇二人周末度假的好居所.

2. 林屋[已拆卸]:Wong Chue Meng Building 黄子明楼 | Woodside 林屋[已拆卸] | Yam Pak Building 任白楼

woodside 单语例句

1. The first stage of Woodside's Pluto LNG project is more than 80 percent complete and initial LNG is expected in early 2011.

2. Woodside has said it's received interest from potential buyers of a minority stake in Browse, without identifying them.

3. woodside的解释

3. Woodside said it aims to approve a second phase at Pluto by the end of next year and a third in 2011.

4. Woodside expects Chinese demand for its LNG to increase, he said.

5. Woodside's Coleman declined to say how much of the venture the company may sell.

6. woodside的解释

6. He died at his home in Woodside with his family at his side.
