
woodland [ˈwʊdlənd]  [ˈwʊdlənd, -ˌlænd] 


woodland 基本解释


形容词林地的,树林的; 林栖的

woodland 网络解释


1. 林地:Fairmont客房配备一张超大或两张特大双人床,面积大约400平方英尺,可欣赏上部村庄(Upper Village)或林地(Woodland)景色. Fairmont客房位于较低楼层,配备带淋浴的浴缸,还有标准的Fairmont商务服务、高速上网和各种设施.

2. 伍德兰:后来在更北边有个开发商开发了伍德兰(WOODLAND)住宅区和办公区,周围也逐渐开发了配套服务,不过那都是后话了. 最初阶段都是在那里买地皮自己造所谓英亩屋,也就是说每家得得院子都很大. 当时新机场以北开始离开都市文化而进入非常典型牛仔文化的生活方式.

3. 地:不知不觉树林山壁消失、单车道消失,我们被迫在高速公路的路肩上前进著,还好新加坡的驾驶都很礼貌,不会乱抢路权让我们一路平安;终於来到了与新马大桥交接的地区-树林地(Woodland),时间也来到中午时分,转进购物中心里休息一下,

4. 森林地:wooden 木制的 | woodland 森林地 | woodlathe 木工车床

woodland 词典解释

1. 林地;林区
    Woodland is land with a lot of trees.

woodland 单语例句

1. Most of the cape is occupied by a sanatorium owned by the Chinese Navy, while without the forested rear of the compound is a small stretch of woodland.

2. The scene kept playing on his mind and he finally decided to change his contracted woodland into a cemetery for pets.

3. Fourth, we will implement the household contract system for returning cultivated land to woodland.

4. The largest populations are usually found in mixed woodland areas and open land, although deer also live in swamps and in mountains.

5. In the Woodland Hills area of Los Angeles, mud washed down a naked hillside below a construction site and flowed into two homes.

6. woodland的解释

6. In these areas natural forests with steep hill farmlands have been converted to woodland to halt further water and soil erosion.

7. Some female students at a university in Tianjin avoided a busy woodland area on the campus when a flock of crows passed through.

8. Sometimes this results in something surprisingly lovely, and sometimes it results in women who look like woodland fungi.

9. woodland的反义词

9. On the west side of Feicui Island, sand dunes stretch back to a green belt of woodland.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. After passing through the misty woodland alongside the shores of the lake, the paths lead to the massive body of emerald water.

woodland 英英释义


1. woodland的翻译

1. land that is covered with trees and shrubs

    Synonym: forest timberland timber
