wood carving

wood carving [wud ˈkɑ:vɪŋ]  [wʊd ˈkɑrvɪŋ] 

wood carving

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wood carving 基本解释
wood carving 网络解释

1. 木雕:D13 尼泊尔朋友带我去一个涅瓦族古老的村落BUNGAMATI,那里的木雕(WOOD CARVING)也很有名,许多人刻,便宜. 那里离加德满都10公里,是名副其实的乡村,很不错. 我做朋友的摩托去的,自己去就不知道了,想去的话可以问问当地人.

2. 木雕术:wood block,woodcut block 木刻板 | wood carving 木雕术 | wood engraving 木刻术

3. 木雕刻品:wood carving tool 木雕刻刀 | wood carving 木雕刻品 | wood charcoal 木炭

4. 木刻:wooden crafts 木制工艺品 | wood carving 木刻 | wooden products 木制品

wood carving 单语例句

1. The skills of carving wood blocks for printing and painting were handed down from masters to disciples over generations.

2. wood carving什么意思

2. The craftsmanship handed down from generations in Guo's family has turned into a thriving wood carving industry that helped to enrich the village.

3. wood carving

3. Most works of Huizhou wood carving can be read as an embodiment of Confucianism.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Since ancient Miao people had no written language, they made deals by carving lines on a piece of wood or bamboo.

5. The unique design harmoniously combines the carving of wood, stone and brick.
