
woe [wəʊ]  [woʊ] 


woe 基本解释

名词悲哀; 悲伤; 灾难,灾殃; 苦恼

int.唉(表示痛苦,悲伤或悔恨); 咳

woe 同义词

名词trouble heartache distress sorrow grief oppression desolation misery anguish agony

woe 反义词


woe 相关例句



1. Mary's life was full of woe.

2. He was faithful to me in weal and woe.

3. She told him all her woes.

woe 网络解释

1. 呜!呜:que nunquam in cordibus she never dwells 慵懒的心灵 | Wafna, wafna! Woe! Woe! 呜!呜! | quid fecisti sors turpassi what have you done, vilest Fate? 瞧你干了些什么,你这可恶的命运?

2. 悲痛:wizard 男巫 | woe 悲痛 | woeful 悲痛的

3. 祸 祸:mango 芒果 芒果 | woe 祸 祸 | since 自从 先时

woe 词典解释

1. 悲痛;悲哀;哀伤
    Woe is very great sadness.

    e.g. He listened to my tale of woe...
    e.g. All around women wailed their woe or screamed abuse.

2. 麻烦;问题;困难
    You can refer to someone's problems as their woes .

    e.g. He did not tell his relatives and friends about his woes.

3. woe betide -> see betide

woe 单语例句

1. woe的解释

1. They said commodity prices should be pulled back to normal track to reflect real demand, otherwise the inflation woe will come back and make business expansion unsustainable.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Buddhist doctrine advocates good deeds and extrication from the earthly weal and woe.

3. Ama also said that " with the work of the foreign diplomats stationed here, the countries we represent will share weal and woe with China ".

4. Just about everyone is familiar with the " Twilight " tale of romantic woe between a vampire and a human.

5. All political parties and people's organizations unite as one, help each other and share weal and woe.

6. Sharing weal and woe, we have tided over difficulties side by side and forged profound friendship.

7. All political parties and people's organizations have united as one, help each other and share weal and woe.

8. woe的解释

8. Our era calls for more good officials who " share weal and woe " with the common people.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. Investing in China has always been a mixed bag of joy and woe.

10. woe什么意思

10. Asia was the victim of the serious financial crisis in 1997, which sent many Southeast Asian economies into economic woe.

woe 英英释义


1. intense mournfulness

    Synonym: woefulness

2. misery resulting from affliction

    Synonym: suffering
