wise man

wise man [waiz mæn]  [waɪz mæn] 

wise man 基本解释


名词智者; 哲人,魔术师; 圣人

wise man 网络解释

1. 哲人:这时候生活着耶稣,一个贤哲人(wise man),如果一定要称他为一个人的话. 因为他是一个取得了惊人业绩的人,也是乐意接受真理的人的老师. 他赢得了许多犹太人和希腊人. 他是基督. 当彼拉多(Pilate)听了我们当中地位最高的人对他的指控之后,

2. 圣人, 贤人:wise guy||自作聪明的人 | wise man||圣人, 贤人 | wound||伤口=injury

3. 君子:家君kakun; head of the house | 君子kunshi; man of virtue; person of high rank; wise man | 君主kunshu; ruler; monarch

wise man 单语例句

1. A wise man once said that all good things take their time.

2. wise man的近义词

2. Wearing a thoughtful expression on its face, the animal looks like a wise man pondering life's realities.

3. wise man在线翻译

3. One popular version entails a wise old man passing on the knowledge that nian feared loud noise and the color red.

4. He has become a wise man who has devoted time and money into life after the NBA.

5. Chen said that " Wise Man Takes All " was designed to " stimulate " the thinking and ambition of the audience through competition between the participants.

6. The wise old man explained that if one looks ahead, they can see everything the eyes have already seen before.

7. And the tone tends to be avuncular, that of a younger version of the proverbial wise old man.

8. wise man

8. His massive white beard and large eyeglasses give him the look of an old scholar or wise man.

wise man 英英释义

wise man的近义词


1. a wise and trusted guide and advisor

    Synonym: mentor
