winter made wine

winter made wine

winter made wine 双语例句

1. Some of the most popular items at the Market are the Nativity Scene (also known as a crèche or crib Zwetschgamnnla (figures made of decorated dried plums Nussknacker; Gebrannte Mandeln or candied, toasted almonds; assorted cookies like Lebkuchen and Magenbrot; Christstollen or Stollen, a sort of egg bread with candied fruit; and not least, Glühwein, hot mulled wine (with or without a shot of brandy), or Eierpunsch (an egg based warm alcoholic drink), to keep the body going in the cold winter air.
    一些最著名的市场的要素是耶稣降临场景(或作crèche或crib),Zwetschgamnnla(用装饰过的干李子做成的人物),Nussknacker,Gebrannte Mandeln,分类饼乾例如蜂蜜饼或者开胃饼,Christstollen或Stollen以及必不可少的烫红酒,或者 Eierpunsch(一种鸡蛋为主的温热含酒精饮料),这些在严冬寒冷氛围下暖肚。
