window bar

window bar[ˈwindəu bɑ:] 

window bar 基本解释
window bar 网络解释

1. 窗闩:window band 带形窗 | window bar 窗闩 | window board 窗舌板

2. 窗芯:windmill 风车 | window bar 窗芯 | window blind fabric 窗帘布

3. 窗口栏:window background 窗口背景 | window bar 窗口栏 | window border 窗口边界

window bar 单语例句

1. Bottles of Corona and Carlsberg are lined in the window of a bar in Beijing.

2. The newest outpost in the Crystal Jade empire sports a striking rounded window, which surrounds a sleek waterfall and bar.
