
willowy [ˈwɪləʊi]  [ˈwɪloʊi] 

willowy 基本解释

形容词袅娜; (女人)苗条的,高而纤细的

willowy 网络解释

1. 有弹性的:willow 柳树 | willowy 有弹性的 | willpower 毅力

2. 苗条的:slender 苗条=slim | willowy 苗条的 | chubby 圆圆胖胖的,丰满的

3. 柔软的/苗条的/婀:willow /柳/柳制品/杨柳/柳树/ | willowy /柔软的/苗条的/婀/ | willpower /意志力/

4. 有弹性的, 苗条的, 多柳树的 (形):willower 打棉机; 打棉机的操作工 (名) | willowy 有弹性的, 苗条的, 多柳树的 (形) | willpower 毅力, 意志力 (名)

willowy 词典解释

1. 苗条的;婀娜多姿的
    A person who is willowy is tall, thin, and graceful.

willowy 单语例句

1. When the fall 2006 collections were paraded down the runway last February, one designer after another put leggings on their willowy models.

2. Lithesome Chinese lasses often credit their willowy figures to frequent orders of this slimming soup.

willowy 英英释义


1. willowy

1. slender and graceful

    Synonym: gracile
