whooping cough

whooping cough [ˈhu:pɪŋ kɒf]  [ˈhu:pɪŋ kɔ:f] 

whooping cough 基本解释

whooping cough的翻译


whooping cough 网络解释

1. 百日咳:博代氏(杆)菌会导致百日咳(whooping cough)(百日咳博代氏(杆)菌)和其它表现为肺炎(肺部发炎)特征的类似的传染性、急性呼吸系统感染. (b) 分类. 第I类(一般控制). 遵守第866.9节有关限制性的规定,该器械豁免本章807部的E亚部中上市前通知的程序.

2. 百日咳(咳个不停):Turn one's nose up at sth. 瞧不起...东西 | Whooping cough 百日咳(咳个不停) | At least/ at the very least 至少

3. 白日咳:welfare and comfort 福利和舒适 | whooping cough 白日咳 | widen v.拓宽

4. 百日咳AJy中国英语学习网:urticaria, hives 荨麻疹AJy中国英语学习网 | whooping cough 百日咳AJy中国英语学习网 | yellow fever 黄热病AJy中国英语学习网

whooping cough 词典解释

1. 百日咳
    Whooping cough is a serious infectious disease which causes people to cough and make a loud noise when they breathe in.

whooping cough 单语例句

1. But his grant ended before he could add diphtheria or whooping cough vaccines or start human trials.

2. whooping cough

2. Many of them some 27 million also miss out on vaccines against common diseases, such as measles and whooping cough.

3. The whooping cough bacteria can also infect the diaphragm, causing it to contract and make breathing impossible within seconds.

4. whooping cough的翻译

4. The two countries signed an agreement in September on joint development of a preventive vaccine against pertussis or whooping cough.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Whooping cough is not a common illness in children, but it poses a big risk to infants.

whooping cough 英英释义

whooping cough是什么意思


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane

    Synonym: pertussis
