1. 发白的:whiting 白粉 | whitish 发白的 | whitlow 蹄冠炎
2. 发白的; 带白色的 (形):whiting 白粉, 白垩 (名) | whitish 发白的; 带白色的 (形) | whitlow 脓性指头炎 (名)
3. 帶白色的:soil 泥土 | whitish 帶白色的 | clay 黏土
1. 发白的;苍白的
Whitish means very pale and almost white in colour.
e.g. ...a whitish dust.
1. Warning signals of a streptococci infection are a palate inflamed to a scarlet red, tonsils with whitish patches and swollen lymph glands in the neck.
2. The schoolyard was still covered in whitish patches where the snow hadn't thawed.
1. whitish的近义词
1. of something having a color tending toward white
Synonym: off-white
2. whitish
2. resembling milk in color not clear
e.g. milky glass