1. I don't care a whit.
1. 惠特:Wheeler 惠勒 | Whit 惠特 | Whitehead 怀特海; 怀特黑德
2. 一点点:whistling kettle 呜笛水壶 | whit 一点点 | white about the gills 脸色发白
3. 一点:whistle 吹口哨 | whit 一点 | white 白色
4. 白的 男性 古英语:Wheeler 车夫 男性 古英语 | Whit 白的 男性 古英语 | Whitfield 白色的田地 男性 古英语
1. 一点也不;完全不
You say not a whit or not one whit to emphasize that something is not the case at all.
e.g. He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature...
e.g. It does not matter one whit to the customer.
2. 同 Whitsun
Whit means the same as Whitsun .
e.g. The orchestra gave its first performance on Whit Monday.
1. " It's going to take some events of significance to turn this around, " GOP pollster Whit Ayres said.
2. whit的近义词
2. " Clearly the top three looked quite presidential, " Republican pollster Whit Ayres said.
3. Whit's about to run a marathon, so Dennis'path is clear.