
whisker [ˈwɪskə(r)]  [ˈhwɪskɚ, ˈwɪs-] 


whisker 基本解释

名词细须; 连鬓胡子; 〈美俚〉腮帮子; [化]须晶

whisker 网络解释


1. 触须:1.如果数据是明显对称,中位数值线将近似位于四分位距箱体的中间,上下触须(whisker)在长度上将近似相等. 2.如果数据是偏态的,中位数将可能不位于四分位距(IQR)箱体的中间,某一触须(whisker)将可能显著地比另一个长.

2. 金属须:金属须(Whisker)问题:业界目前在金属须课题上面对的问题,是还没有人真正了解其机理和控制方法. 虽然经过多年的研究,人们已经整理出好些有用的经验,但却还不能确定该如何预防或控制金属须. 比如亚光锡(Matte Sn)的使用,

3. 须:)情况完全没有把握到;金属须(Whisker)问题:业界目前在金属须课题上面对的问题,是还没有人真正了解其机理和控制方法. 虽然经过多年的研究,人们已经整理出好些有用的经验,但却还不能确定该如何预防或控制金属须. 比如亚光锡(Matte Sn)的使用,

whisker 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. (猫、鼠等动物的)胡须
    The whiskers of an animal such as a cat or a mouse are the long stiff hairs that grow near its mouth.

2. 连鬓胡子;络腮胡子
    You can refer to the hair on a man's face, especially on the sides of his face, as his whiskers .

    e.g. ...wild, savage-looking fellows, with large whiskers, unshaven beards, and dirty faces.

3. 微小的数量;一丝;一点儿
    You can use whisker in expressions such as by a whisker or within a whisker of to indicate that something happened or is true, but only by a very small amount or degree.

    e.g. A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker (7 million to 6.9 million)...
    e.g. She came within a whisker of taking a gold medal...

whisker 单语例句

1. whisker是什么意思

1. She winced after hearing a car had hit a kitty, and raced to scare off a vulture with a suspicious whisker in its teeth.

2. The former Arsenal midfielder came within a whisker of another goal moments after the restart, forcing a magnificent save from Cabral.

3. In a 1998 referendum the Portuguese rejected by a whisker a proposal to allow abortion on demand during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.

4. whisker

4. Schalke lost out on the title last season by a whisker and had to content themselves with the German Cup.

5. The witnesses said the two officials who escaped death by a whisker could not believe their eyes with one busting into cries.

whisker 英英释义



1. a long stiff hair growing from the snout or brow of most mammals as e.g. a cat

    Synonym: vibrissa sensory hair

2. a very small distance or space

    e.g. they escaped by a hair's-breadth
           they lost the election by a whisker

    Synonym: hair's-breadth hairsbreadth hair


1. furnish with whiskers

    e.g. a whiskered jersey

    Synonym: bewhisker
