1. 头颈部安全保护系统:500起交 通事故进行了细致入微的研究,并将所获得的信息应用于新的安全技术开发. 超过36,000起交通事故的信息都被存储在一个统计数据库中. 例如,防侧撞保护 系统(SIPS)和头颈部安全保护系统(WHIPS)都是事故研究的直接成果.
2. 乘员头颈保护系统:41.乘员头颈保护系统(WHIPS) WHIPS一般设置于前排座椅. 当轿车受到后部的撞击时,头颈保护系统会迅速充气膨胀起来,其整个靠背都会随乘坐者一起后倾,乘坐者的整个背部和靠背安稳地贴近在一起,靠背则会后倾以最大限度地降低头部向前甩的力量,
3. 头颈部保护系统:主动式双氙气大灯(ABL) 自适应制动灯带紧急制动辅助 (EBA) 的防抱死制动系统 三角警告牌防侧撞保护系统 (SIPS) 头颈部保护系统 (WHIPS)盲点信息系统 (BLIS) 后驻车辅助系统
1. Could stooges with whips be the Confucian critique of modern business management?
2. Soon merry time is over as the wind gathers force and whips up increasingly higher waves.
3. He whips the ball with ferocious power and swings his backhand like a New York Yankee.
4. The robots are armed with whips to keep the camels interested in winning.
5. He told City Report he was taken to a brick kiln, where he was regularly beaten with whips and bricks.