
whereat [weə'æt]  [wer'æt] 

whereat 基本解释

副词因何; 为何; 在那里; 对那个


whereat 相关例句


1. I know the reason whereat you are displeased.

2. Whereat was he offended?

whereat 网络解释


1. 为何:whereas /然而/反之/其实/鉴于/ | whereat /为何/ | whereby /凭什么/为何/因此/由是/如何/

2. 对那个; 随即 (连):whereas 然而; 鉴于; 反之 (连) | whereat 对那个; 随即 (连) | whereby 凭什么, 为何 (副)

whereat 双语例句


1. Straightway they got them to bed, as was their wont; and, while they there solaced and disported them together, it so befell that Tancred awoke, and heard and saw what they did: whereat he was troubled beyond measure, and at first was minded to upbraid them; but on second thoughts he deemed it best to hold his peace, and avoid discovery, if so he might with greater stealth and less dishonour carry out the design which was already in his mind.

2. They will tell you many things which you have never known and whereat you will be amazed.

3. He turned to leave, whereat she began to weep


4. I know the things whereat you are displeased.

5. I know the things whereat you are displease d.

6. I know the reason whereat you are displeased.

7. Your husband was whereat the time?

8. And sure, we still chat online from time to time, whereat she waxes between ice, thaw and chill?


9. The bold design Pleas'd highly those infernal States, and joy Sparkl'd in all thir eyes; with full assent They vote: whereat his speech he thus renews.

10. Rose's sprain proved to be a serious one, owing to neglect, and Dr. Alec ordered her to lie on the sofa for a fortnight at least; whereat she groaned dismally, but dared not openly complain, lest the boys turn upon her with some of the wise little sermons on patience which she had delivered for their benefit.
    罗斯的扭伤,被证明是一个严重的是,由于忽视,以及博士亚历克命令她趴在沙发上一两个星期最少; whereat她按倒时还沮丧,但也不敢公然抱怨,以免把男孩后,她与一些聪明的小布道就耐心,她已发表了对他们有利。


11. His Offring soon propitious Fire from Heav'n Consum'd with nimble glance, and grateful steame; The others not, for his was not sincere; Whereat hee inlie rag'd, and as they talk'd, Smote him into the Midriff with a stone [445] That beat out life; he fell, and deadly pale Groand out his Soul with gushing bloud effus'd.

12. He turned to leave, whereat she began to weep.
