
whee [wi:]  [hwi, wi] 

whee 基本解释
whee 网络解释


1. 滑板大賽:Goal 射門得分 | Whee 滑板大賽 | Pooh!當褓姆

2. 哇:Huh? Whoa! Whoa! Oh! Oh!|嗯? 哇! 哇! 噢! 噢! | Whee!|哇! | Make way. Hamster coming through.|让开 仓鼠过来了

3. 大齿轮:小齿轮 pinio | 大齿轮 whee | 行星齿轮 planet gea

whee 双语例句


1. It iS inteesting to contemplate how successfullya white buttefly could ise white snow as a camouflagingbackgound, but it is difficult to imagine whee the butteflyo its young could discove a meal at such a time.

2. Cetain that I COUld locate today almost the pecise上spot in New Yok State whee, as a voungste, I fist saw amouning cloak butteflY in the winte.


3. At present, more screen varieties, the product is not uniform, but it is important to clear the screen mesh size and diameter determines screen of perforated and whee thickness, at the same time, influenced by the online photographic emulsions, hosting the content, obviously, perforated, the screen can be primary processing rough coated photographic emulsions in respect of this exposure time should also be the longer exposure time otherwise.


4. Based on the whee1ing rate derived from spot pricing, a wheeling transaction chargingmethod is proposed by use of a surcharge, which can refiect the percentage usage of thewheeIing transaction to the transmission system.

5. Whee!Now, we are all going for a ride.

6. This Christmas, give you and your whole family the greatest gift of all…-Whee…-My babies.


7. My mother insised on knowing whee we were at all times. She had to know our friends were and where we were going

8. Dawing fom the bitte lessonsof decades of often futile flood-fighting effots, these citiesae stifling the impulse to epai flood-damaged houses andae focusing instead on depopulating ivebanks, buying outpopeties in floodplains whee possible and moving peopleand businesses to highe gound.

9. Often you see men working at office desks without their suit coats and ties, they may lean far back in their chairs and even put their feet up on the desk while they talk on the phone, but this is not meant to be rude, they are informal, most likely because they are always in a great hurry:city people always appear to be hurrying to get whee they are going and would be very impatient ifthey are delayed even for a brief moment.


10. I stubbed the little piggy that went'whee, whee, whee all the way home.'

11. The Wheeler-Dewitt equation for quantum de Sitter model is resolved through WKB approximation under the condition of two different boundaries.

12. The denotation of the word " home " is " place whee one lives, " but it has many connotations.

13. Fiberglass cloth reinforced for grinding whee.

14. The essay researches on the geometric modeling of complex contour whee ling-rotating vane, produces 3D CAD/CAM application model in industry.


15. The denotation of the word " home " is " place whee one lives," but it has many connotations.


16. I thank thee that I am none of the whee..


17. It was a puzzlingexpeience; when I fist saw the buttefly I saw it quitedistinctly, but by the time I eached the spot whee it hadbeen, it had vanished completely.
