what though

what though [hwɔt ðəu]  [hwɑt ðo] 

what though 基本解释

what though的解释


what though 网络解释


1. 尽管......有什么关系 What next?下一步怎么办:3.What if要是......又怎么样? what for为什么 | What about?......怎么样? So what?那又怎么样呢? | what though尽管......有什么关系 What next?下一步怎么办?

2. 尽管...有什么关系:What's done cannot be undone. [谚]木已成舟, 无法挽回. what's what事情的究竟 | what though 尽管...有什么关系 | what way 如何

3. 即使...又何妨:即将;接近on the brink of ... | 即使...又何妨what though ... | 极度,极端to the utmost

what though 单语例句

1. The captain and tour guide is obviously entertaining because everyone's laughing, though I can't understand much of what he's saying with my rudimentary German.

2. Bai looked so formidable that Coba Carrion hardly knew what to say, even though he had practiced it many times.

3. Though some pilots support further safety measures, they caution against pushing for changes before authorities determine what caused Saturday's crash.

4. I knew it was not right to anger a lady, though I wondered what exactly I had done wrong to deserve such censure.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. Many say his painting results from a commercial era, though it is hard to define what is art in a commercial period.

6. Even though what her character does in the opera is considered bold for her time, she still appears demure.

7. what though

7. But what local officials say and do is not news, though rescue and relief workers'efforts deserve public recognition.

8. Paris Hilton in the eyes of Americans is almost like what Sister Hibiscus is to Chinese even though they come from disparate family backgrounds.

9. what though是什么意思

9. The central government has still to define exactly what constitutes domestic software, though it is expected to do so by the end of this year.

10. what though

10. Though he did not know what the actors were singing and talking about, he could guess the general meaning from their movements and facial expressions.
