west point

west point [west pɔint]  [wɛst pɔɪnt] 

west point 基本解释
west point 网络解释

west point的意思

1. 西点军校:他领导北约 (NATO) 军队取得科索沃盟军行动的胜利. 此外,他还是2004年美国总统竞选的民主党候选人. 他毕业于西点军校 (West Point),并以罗兹奖学金获得者的身份在英国牛津大学完成了哲学、政治和经济学学业(文学学士和文学硕士).

2. 毋:well function 井函数 | west point 毋 | westerlies 偏午

3. 美国军事学院西点军校:Sept. 11 terror attacks 2001年9月11日恐怖分子劫机袭击了美国的世贸大厦、华盛顿和五角大楼 | War on Terror 美国发动的所谓的反对恐怖势力的伊拉克战争 | West Point 美国军事学院西点军校

west point 单语例句

1. With Macao being a transit point between China and the West, many Chinese ceramics were historically exported overseas from the enclave.

2. The roughly 120 Jewish settlements that dot the West Bank have long been a sore point in the Middle East peace process.

3. west point

3. While fixing eyes on China's macro economy, they also direct trainees to study prominent qualities of the servicemen from the West Point.

4. west point什么意思

4. Flipper, the first black graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point.

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5. Afghanistan is a crossroads between the East and the West, and was an ancient focal point of the Silk Road and migration.

6. Some of the training programs even include pilgrimages to revolutionary sites and visits to the US Military Academy at West Point.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. For example, the renowned US Military Academy at West Point has trained many businessmen.

8. Mark Clouse received schooling at the United States Military Academy at West Point and served in the US Army for over six years.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. The article appeared in the July newsletter of the Combating Terrorism Center of the US Military Academy at West Point.

10. US commanders charge that the town is a key staging point for foreign fighters infiltrating on minor roads from the Syrian border to the west.

west point 英英释义

west point的翻译


1. United States Army installation on the west bank of Hudson river to the north of New York City
    site of United States Military Academy
