
wedded [ˈwedɪd]  [ˈwɛdɪd] 





wedded 基本解释

形容词正式结婚的; 渴望…的,执著于…的

动词嫁,娶,(与…)结婚( wed的过去式和过去分词 )

wedded 相关例句


1. David is wedded to his work.

2. They are wedded by common interests.

3. He's very wedded to the idea.

4. He is wedded to his pipe.

wedded 网络解释


1. 结婚:wed 结婚 | wedded 结婚 | wedding breakfast 喜宴

2. 已结婚的:webworm /结网虫/ | wedded /已结婚的/ | weddellite /草酸钙石/

3. 已结婚的, 结合的, 结婚的 (形):wed 与...结婚, 使结合; 结婚 (动) | wedded 已结婚的, 结合的, 结婚的 (形) | wedding cake 结婚蛋糕

wedded 词典解释

1. 致力于…的;献身于…的
    If you are wedded to something such as an idea, you support it so strongly or like it so much that you are unable to give it up.

    e.g. Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.

2. 同 married
    Wedded means the same as married .

    e.g. He proposed she become his lawfully wedded wife...
    e.g. She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss.

wedded 单语例句

1. " They have stayed wedded to the president on this, " Pelosi said.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. I'd let them have their fun - and eat their tuna sandwiches in wedded stealth.

3. It is practical for wedded couples to rent before they become more financially able to buy.

4. But wedded bliss doesn't last long for the young couple after Bella finds herself pregnant with a vampire baby that is slowly killing her.

5. An Internet site run by a Muslim cleric may not sound like an obvious route to wedded bliss.

wedded 英英释义


1. having been taken in marriage

    Synonym: wed
