
weaving ['wi:vɪŋ]  ['wi:vɪŋ] 








weaving 基本解释

动词编,织,织成( weave的现在分词 ); 编排; 杜撰; (把…)编成

weaving 网络解释

1. 编织:含丝羊绒,克什米尔羊绒或大豆纤维的混纺羊毛(Mixed wool)面料在原产国进行精梳处理,之后的纺纱(SPINNING)、染色(DYEING)、编织(WEAVING)和精加工(FINISHING)处理皆在REDA位于Valle Mosso的工厂完成.

2. 织:可以横向或纵向地进行,横向编织称为纬编织物,而纵向编织称为经编织物. 针织(Knitting)(B) 梭织物:是由两条或两组以上的相互垂直纱线,以90度角作经纬交织而成织物,纵向的纱线叫经纱,横向的纱线叫纬纱. 梭织/机织(Weaving)

3. 织造:表1 2007年1-10月份意大利纺织机械行业出口前10名国家出口量一览表单位:亿欧元数据来源:意大利纺织机械制造商协会从出口产品构成来看,纺纱(Spinning)机械占17%,织造(Weaving)机械占14%,针织(Knitting)机械占15%,后整理(Finishing)机.

4. 机织:181 机织(Weaving)用两组或多组纱线以互相垂直的形式进行编织成布的工艺. 用机织法织成的布就是机织布. 182 针织(Knitting)这是用一支或多支纱线喂入到针织机的工作针上成圈,并使相邻或相近的纱线所成的线圈相互套结而成布的工艺.

weaving 单语例句

1. At one end of the village is a compound housing a rug weaving workshop opened two months ago.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Three couples made a " Magpie Bridge " to help the Cowherd and Weaving Maid cross the Milkyway and be reunited.

3. So the Cowherd and Weaving Maid can meet again, when the next festival falls on August 31.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The method remains the same today, and young Miao girls keep the tradition alive by practising weaving after school.

5. weaving的近义词

5. She gets married to the farmer and helps him shorten his labor contract from three years to 100 days with her excellent weaving skills.

6. Most products come from Taiwan, where weaving of palm fibre is commonplace.

7. Marquetry requires slicing and weaving bamboo strips into geometric patterns sometimes inlaid with jade.

8. Competitions on weaving and needlework were held to select the winner who had the best hands and the brightest mind.

9. weaving是什么意思

9. The California Highway Patrol arrested Klein on June 16 after he was spotted weaving across a highway in the San Fernando Valley.

10. Others work in small tin hut factories making casts for rudders or weaving material for rope.

weaving 英英释义


1. creating fabric
