
weal [wi:l]  [wil] 


weal 基本解释

名词幸福; 鞭痕; <书>福利; 杖痕


weal 反义词



weal 网络解释


1. 福利;鞭痕:health 健康 | weal 福利;鞭痕 | wealth 财富

2. 鞭痕:wheal 鞭痕,水泡 | weal 鞭痕 | preach 传道

3. 幸福:Rhythmic有节奏的 | Weal幸福 | Woe悲哀

weal 词典解释

1. (尤指尖锐之物所致的)红肿伤痕
    A weal is a swelling made on someone's skin by a blow, especially from something sharp or thin such as a sword or whip.

    e.g. ...the red weals left across his chest by the strap.

in AM, use 美国英语用 welt
weal 单语例句

1. Buddhist doctrine advocates good deeds and extrication from the earthly weal and woe.

2. Ama also said that " with the work of the foreign diplomats stationed here, the countries we represent will share weal and woe with China ".

3. All political parties and people's organizations unite as one, help each other and share weal and woe.

4. Sharing weal and woe, we have tided over difficulties side by side and forged profound friendship.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. A government of the people and for the people should listen to the people, and share their weal and woes.

6. All political parties and people's organizations have united as one, help each other and share weal and woe.

7. weal

7. Our era calls for more good officials who " share weal and woe " with the common people.

weal 英英释义



1. a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip)
    characteristic of many allergic reactions

    Synonym: wale welt wheal
