
we [wi]  [wi] 

we 基本解释


代词我们,咱们; 笔者,本人; 朕; 人们

we 相关例句



1. When my friend comes to see me, we play football.

2. We are glad to see you.

3. We all make mistakes.

we 情景对话


A:Do you offer any (night/ part-time/ weekend) courses?

B:Yes, we do.


A:We shouldn’t take anymore (chances/ risks).

B:You’re right.


A:We are (out of everything/ don’t have anything/ need everything.)

B:All right.

we 网络解释


1. 我:其余的发音基本都是哥哥(dede)、弟弟(daidai)我(we)要(ya)了(re),倒是让你能隐约分辨出来. 小嘴一刻都不闲着,也不知道她在说什么,说完还会很认真的看着你,好像看你听懂了没有. 精细动作方面:妈妈给宝贝买的套各种形状的柱子,

2. 写入使能:其特征在于:所述多个通用时钟信号包括:行和 列地址信号,用于存储器寻址存储位置;行地址选通(RAS )信号,用于控制有关存储器操作的行地址;列地址选通(C AS)信号,用于控制有关存储器操作的列地址;写入使能( WE)信号和输出使能(OE)信号,

3. 实况足球:放眼当今,实况足球(WE)俨然成为了目前最炙手可热的足球类游戏,一大批FANS为其神魂颠倒......笔者也是其中之一. 实况的世界以为充满未知数而让人流连忘返--就好象那句话说:足球是圆的,而实况里ML模式(MASTERLEAGUE)却更是引人入胜,

4. we:wind-erosion; 风蚀

5. we:was examined; 进行

6. we:write – enable; 允许写入

7. we:write enalbe; 可写入

we 词典解释
We is the first person plural pronoun. We is used as the subject of a verb. we是第一人称复数代词,用作动词的主语。

1. we什么意思

1. (包括说话者或笔者在内的)我们
    A speaker or writer uses we to refer both to himself or herself and to one or more other people as a group. You can use we before a noun to make it clear which group of people you are referring to.

    e.g. We both swore we'd be friends ever after...
    e.g. We ordered another bottle of champagne...

2. (泛指)人们,我们每个人
    We is sometimes used to refer to people in general.

    e.g. We need to take care of our bodies.
    e.g. ...the withdrawal symptoms that we all experience at the end of a long, close relationship.

3. we

3. (不仅指自己也指听者或读者)我们
    A speaker or writer may use we instead of 'I' in order to include the audience or reader in what they are saying, especially when discussing how a talk or book is organized.

    e.g. We will now consider the raw materials from which the body derives energy.

we 单语例句

1. The way we've done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.

2. We are in the business of growing the pie through efficiency improvement and that is what economic growth is all about.

3. we的翻译

3. If we agree that consumers are rational spenders, we cannot see any reason for them to reject Chinese goods across the board.

4. We will improve the system of receptions for government employees on official business, and scientifically set the allowed range for operating expenses of institutions.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. " We had no business winning that game, " Cavaliers coach Mike Brown told reporters.

6. " Poor business is also another reason why we moved out, " he says.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. " We see tremendous business opportunities from the new law, " Wang said.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. " We believe honesty and credibility will sustain our business, " said the man.

9. While taming Little Wild Man has proven a tricky business, we've had better luck in training him.

10. " We will strengthen supervision and improve business management to prevent a similar case happening, " Wang said.
