





watches 基本解释
手表;表( watch的名词复数 );值夜班;
watches 网络解释

1. 手表:推荐购买的笔记本品牌有:Apple,IBM,HP,DELL,SONY 电器电子影音通信产品实时报价手表(watches) 近几年世界很多知名手表品牌开始进入大陆市场,但是早在几十年前,香港的个大表行已经开始了几乎所有的世界名表的代理销售,

2. 腕表:方向的是以多少度显示的,这个度数是腕表(Watches)表盘朝上,12点指向北方,顺时针转的角度. 有许多GPS还可以用指向罗盘与标尺的点子来显示这个角度. 一般同时还显示前进均匀速度,也是根据最近一段的位移与时间计算的.

3. 表:各國著名鏡片 Internationally known lens brands | 錶 Watches | 首飾 Jewelry

watches 单语例句

1. He made the calabash his brand's symbol and has also crafted earrings, bracelets and fine watches in this shape.

2. The watches were first purchased in Hong Kong and then carried by individual smugglers over the borders to the city of Shenzhen.

3. The station master watches people come and go day in and day out.

4. More Chinese factories in other cities also made competitive watches as the reduction in retail prices of imported was announced.

5. An investor watches market performance on a computer terminal at a securities trading office in Beijing.

6. He was considered one of the greatest conquerors of the world, whose spirit of conquest is reflected today in the watches of Cyrus.

7. watches的反义词

7. Since the government closely watches consumer product prices, other companies will not follow suit.

8. watches的反义词

8. Zhang says the importance of watches extends far beyond people's daily lives.

9. Although he claimed he bought the watches with his own salary, netizens argued that a public servant wouldn't be able to afford so many expensive watches.

10. A boy watches an enormous LG TV screen in a department store in Beijing yesterday.
