watch intently

watch intently

watch intently 双语例句

1. And I would stand by and watch quietly and intently, my eyes riveted on him.


2. This love So violent So fragile So tender So hopeless This love Beautiful as the day And bad as the weather When the weather is bad This love so true This love so beautiful So happy So joyous And so pathetic Trembling with fear like a child in the dark And so sure of itself Like a tranquil man in the middle of the night This love that made others afraid That made them speak That made them go pale This love intently watched Because we intently watch it Run down hurt trampled finished denied forgotten Because we ran it down hurt it trampled it finished it denied it forgot it This whole entire love Still so lively And so sunny It's yours It's mine That which has been This always new thing And which hasn't changed As true as a plant As trembling as a bird As warm as live as summer We can both of us Come and go We can forget And then go back to sleep Wake up suffer grow old Go back to sleep again Awake smile and laugh And feel younger Our love stays there Stubborn as an ass Lively as desire Cruel as memory Foolish as regrets Tender as remembrance Cold as marble Beautiful as day Fragile as a child It watches us, smiling And it speaks to us without saying a word And me I listen to it, trembling And I cry out I cry out for you I cry out for me I beg you For you for me for all who love each other And who loved each other Yes I cry out to it For you for me and for all the others That I don't know Stay there There where you are There where you were in the past Stay there Don't move Don't go away We who loved each other We've forgotten you Don't forget us We had only you on the earth Don't let us become cold Always so much farther away And anywhere Give us a sign of life Much later on a dark night In the forest of memory Appear suddenly Hold your hand out to us And save us
    这爱 所以暴力如此脆弱如此招标所以无望这爱美丽一天和恶劣天气当天气不好这爱如此真实这种爱,所以美丽那么开心这么喜庆所以可怜颤抖与恐惧就像一个孩子在黑暗中所以肯定自己喜欢恬静男子深更半夜这爱使他人害怕这使他们发言使他们走苍白这个爱情一心一意观看因为我们一心一意观看撞到伤害践踏完毕否认遗忘因为我们跑下来伤害践踏它完成了它否认它忘记了它这整个整个爱情这么热闹所以阳光它的你它的地雷这已这始终是件新鲜事而一直没有改变作为真正作为一个厂如颤抖,作为一只鸟温暖如活在夏季既美来去我们可以忘记然后回去睡觉梦醒遭受年老回去再睡觉醒来的笑容和笑声感觉年轻我们的爱停留顽固作为一个愚蠢生动有趣的欲望残忍的记忆愚蠢遗憾招标作为纪念寒冷大理石美丽一天脆弱的儿童它手表,我们微笑它讲,我们说一个字我听我的话,颤抖我哭了我呼唤你我呼唤我我谨议为你为我为所有的人爱着对方谁爱对方是我哭出来,它你我和所有其他人我不知道留在那里那里有你那里有你在过去留在那里别动不消失我们深深热爱着对方我们忘了你不要忘记我们我们只有你对地球不要让我们成为冷总是这么远处处给我们一个生命迹象后来一个黑夜在森林中的记忆突然出现持有你的手给我们和拯救我们

3. I built a deck with my Dad facing these rolling fields so I could sit and watch more intently.

4. He'd forgotten about Azrael, thus he continued to watch the mythical bird intently.
    / 他已经忘记关於死神的事,如此他继续一心一意地看神话的鸟。

5. He holds the mike firmly with both hands and will watch the other person intently.

6. My sons watch intently as the rich colors of the sunrise soar into the sky.


7. Maddok moved a little closer, Joe turning his head to watch him intently.
    / 稍微比较靠近的被移动的 Maddok,转向他的头一心一意地看他的乔。

watch intently

8. Football the mirror, Fang Shao-age girl when the skin-Sheng Xue, demon-US incomparable appearance absolutely Korea can not watch intently.

watch intently

9. Standing around a game of Korean chess, a group of grandfathers watch the match intently.

10. When I visited the watch factory recently, I saw rows of employees bent over their desks, focusing intently as they placed tiny, intricate parts inside the unassembled watches.
