1. 胡蜂:缸单重空冷星形发动机. 与此同时,舍维尔斯基的 NF-1 也选用了此发动机舍弃陆军型的普惠胡蜂(Wasp)发动机.
2. <美国异教徒>:美国西部时间2月27日下午5:00(北京时间2月28日上午9:00),第77届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼在好莱坞柯达剧院隆重揭幕,颁奖礼由黑人喜剧明星克里斯.洛克主持,各大奖项正悉数揭晓. 图为<<美国异教徒>>(WASP)获最佳真人短片奖,安德里亚.阿诺德手捧小金人笑逐颜开.
3. wasp:white anglo saxon protestants; 人称黄蜂
4. wasp:world association of societies of pathology; 世界病理学会协会
1. 黄蜂
A wasp is an insect with wings and yellow and black stripes across its body. Wasps have a painful sting like a bee but do not produce honey.
1. " We will expand our wasp extermination drive gradually, " Wang told China Daily.
2. Trees in 17 provinces across southern China are under threat from the coral gall wasp.
3. He said that a WASP couple would look at black goo rising in their toilet and say " that's peculiar ".
4. An elderly man in Chongqing municipality says he's eager to teach anyone his unique hobby of removing wasp nests.
5. The overuse of pesticides killed many insects, affecting the natural balance and allowing wasp numbers to grow.
6. She was sent quickly to the hospital, where a doctor said she was stung by a wasp.
1. social or solitary hymenopterans typically having a slender body with the abdomen attached by a narrow stalk and having a formidable sting