
warranty [ˈwɒrənti]  [ˈwɔ:rənti] 


warranty 基本解释

名词保证,担保; [法](商品等的)保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准

warranty 情景对话



A:The manufacturer offers (a one-year warranty on any factory defects / an unlimited 90-day warranty).



A:What sort of warranty (comes with / is there on/ do you offer on) this stereo?

B:We offer a 90-day return policy.

Receipts and Warranties-(收据和质量保证)

B:Can I help you, sir?

A:Yes, what sort of warranty comes with this stereo?

B:Well, our store offers a 90-Day return policy and the manufacturer offers a one-year warranty on any factory defects.

A:What conditions are there on the store policy?

B:We’ll give you your money back as long as the stereo is returned in the original packaging and with a receipt.

A:O.K. How do I get the manufacturer’s warranty?

B:Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt.

A:All right, those sound good. I’ll take it.

B:Very well, I can ring you up over here, sir.

warranty 网络解释

1. 质量保证:检查地毯的质量最简单的方法是查看地毯生产厂 家提供的质量保证(Warranty). 质量保证应该包括三部分: 1.纤维材料的磨损(Fiber Wear). 2. 生产质量问题(Defect). 3. 使用保证(Performance Warranty). 保证期越长, 说明质量就越高.

warranty 词典解释

1. 保修单
    A warranty is a written promise by a company that, if you find a fault in something they have sold you within a certain time, they will repair it or replace it free of charge.

    e.g. ...a twelve month warranty...
    e.g. The equipment is still under warranty.

warranty 单语例句

1. But the warranty periods for the new devices were both shortened to three months afterwards, violating the regulatory requirement of at least one year.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. The Shenzhen exchange also warned investors of the risk of warranty investment.

3. Volkswagen announced an extended warranty program last week to address the concerns.

4. warranty在线翻译

4. The protection is part of a new warranty regulation first proposed last September by the General Administration of Quality Supervision.

5. The girl hoped to repair the phone for free but found out its warranty had expired.

6. warranty的反义词

6. For example, the auction company's warranty liability in an auction is much weaker than general trade.

7. However, such a warranty is not practical in case of bank collapse.

8. Looking at the papers I noticed they had taken her for a ride, adding life insurance on the loan and a maintenance and repair warranty.

9. warranty的解释

9. Toyota has said the recalls may cost about $ 2 billion in lost sales and warranty repairs.

10. Yet the company remained silent, choosing to upgrade the software in the cars and further extend the warranty period.

warranty 英英释义


1. a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications

    Synonym: guarantee warrant warrantee
