
wares [weəz]  [werz] 



wares 基本解释

名词制品; 货物,商品; 商品( ware的名词复数 ); 作…用的器皿; …室的物品

wares 网络解释


1. 货郎随身携带的货物:■wares n. 货物,商品 | wares: 货郎随身携带的货物 | tempting adj. 有吸引力的

2. 货物,商品:wares 货物,商品 | anchor 停航下锚 | deck 甲板

3. 商品,貨品,加工品,製品:warrants 認股權證,支付命令,倉單 | wares 商品,貨品,加工品,製品 | waste 廢料,耗費

wares 词典解释

1. (通常指在街上或集市上出售的)商品,货物
    Someone's wares are the things that they sell, usually in the street or in a market.

    e.g. Vendors displayed their wares in baskets or on the ground.

wares 单语例句

1. They bought their wares at wholesale markets around Beijing, traveling by bus.

2. Dragons and tigers are doing a roaring trade at this year's Cannes film festival as Asian producers enjoy record interest in their wares.

3. It was a key channel for promoting China's export trade until last April, when companies from overseas were invited to display their wares for the first time.

4. Southern Beijing's Chongwen district's cultural week reaches its climax this weekend as area's nationwide famous tea industry shows off its wares.

5. Because the porcelain firing process is so special and complex, the amount of Ru porcelain from official wares remains less than 100.

6. It displays a collection of over a thousand pieces of lacquer wares since Qing Dynasty and contemporary fine paintings by lacquer masters of different generations.

7. wares

7. The man beat a gong to advertise his wares, but fled before the public security bureau could apprehend him.

8. wares的解释

8. The street was not crowded like those in the many water towns around Shanghai and the vendors were never pushy in hawking their wares.

9. His online profile was massively boosted when media reports detailed his work, provoking widespread sympathy and orders for his wares.

10. In addition to a special magic seminar, more than 40 magic products and equipment companies will display their wares.
