
ware [weə(r)]  [wer] 



ware 基本解释

名词制品; 商品; 作…用的器皿; …室的物品

动词小心,留意; 避免

形容词谨慎的; 知道的

ware 相关例句


1. Ware wire!


1. Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.

2. Delft is a blue-and-white ware.

3. The store displays its wares in the window.

4. The shop sells a great variety of porcelain ware.

ware 网络解释


1. 体:我们常提到所谓的硬件(Hardware)和软件(Software),但这里我想谈一种您绝对没听过的ware,因为是我所独创,是用「心(Heart)」和「体(Ware)」所组成的「Heartware」一字,中文可直译为「心体」.

2. 器皿:漆器 lacquer work | 器皿 ware | 秦始皇陵兵马俑 life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in Chin tomb

3. 制品:wardship 监护 | ware 制品 | warehouse 仓库

ware 单语例句

1. ware

1. People buy porcelain ware at the trade fair in Turkish capital Ankara.

2. ware的近义词

2. He has also attained international renown for his studies on lacquer ware and ancient music, and his scholarly pursuits included training a hawk to catch hares.

3. ware什么意思

3. Two permanent exhibitions featuring bronze ware and Buddhist statues opened at the National Museum of China recently.

4. It is generally believed that rhyton ware was influenced by Chinese white spirit culture and drinking cups when it was introduced to China.

5. The combination of rhyton ware and cups gave birth to the Animal Head Agate Vessel.

6. A drawing inscribed on a piece of gold ware shows a man on his knees carrying an elephant tusk on his back.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Each picture is of a sculpture, painting or jade ware bearing ancient erotica.

8. With no extra charge, the specially ordered sanitary ware is delivered within 15 days.

9. The fine bronze ware and pottery are evidence of the city's past glory.

10. Zhu said bronze ware objects may have been too rare to be buried as funerary objects.

ware 英英释义


1. commodities offered for sale

    e.g. good business depends on having good merchandise
           that store offers a variety of products

    Synonym: merchandise product

2. articles of the same kind or material
    usually used in combination: `silverware', `software'


1. ware

1. spend extravagantly

    e.g. waste not, want not

    Synonym: consume squander waste
