war cry
1. 战斗狂嗥:所以,毒伤害一般不太愿意上.除非你是毒nec 其他伤害,一下就一下,总的效率来说,电是最高再就是或最后是冰,毒最菜. 但,电伤害的上下限很大,从个位数到上几十K都有可能. 而野蛮人的战斗狂嗥(War Cry)是物理伤害
2. 口号:war criminal 战犯 | war cry 口号 | war dance 战阵舞
3. 战吼 暂时增加邻近的盟友最大生命值跟伤害值:Cleaving Attack 劈裂攻击 攻击一定弧度內的敌人,随技能等级提升增加伤害量跟攻击范围 | War Cry 战吼 暂时增加邻近的盟友最大生命值跟伤害值 | Fortitude 坚韧(被动技) 增加最大生命值
4. 战争的哭泣:21. Take my hand 牵手 | 22. War Cry 战争的哭泣 | 23. Separate ways 分离
1. war cry的意思
1. The unnecessary hue and cry over the yuan has even created the fear of a currency war.
2. Such a war cry would always help them win strong support from the common people.
3. Declaring Nepal a republic was a war cry of tens of thousands of protesters who poured into streets in 2006.
1. a yell intended to rally a group of soldiers in battle
Synonym: war whoop rallying cry battle cry
2. a slogan used to rally support for a cause
e.g. a cry to arms
our watchword will be `democracy'
Synonym: rallying cry battle cry cry watchword