
wannabee ['wɒnəbi:]  ['wɑnəbɪ] 

wannabee 基本解释
wannabee 双语例句

1. A number of showbiz gossip websites had reported that the wannabee rapper Kevin Federline was peddling an explicit video of his estranged wife to raise money following their split.
    大量娱乐八卦网站都曾报道过想成为绕舌歌手的Kevin Federline正准备出售他已日渐疏远的妻子的清晰的录像带,用于筹集此后离婚所需费用。

2. That is Wannabee if ever I heard it, it is so cheap and tacky.

wannabee 英英释义


1. an ambitious and aspiring young person

    e.g. a lofty aspirant
           two executive hopefuls joined the firm
           the audience was full of Madonna wannabes

    Synonym: aspirant aspirer hopeful wannabe
