
wan [wɒn]  [wɑ:n] 








wan 基本解释


形容词苍白的,没有血色的; 病弱的,软弱无力的; <古>暗淡的,阴暗的


wan 相关例句


1. She looked wan and fragile.

wan 网络解释


1. wan:wode area network; 广域网

2. wan:wideband access network; 宽带接入网

3. wan:wide area networks; 广域网络

4. wan:world associationof newspapers; 世界报纸协会

wan 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 苍白的;有倦容的;疲惫的
    If you describe someone as wan, you mean that they look pale and tired.

    e.g. He looked wan and tired...
    e.g. All she could manage was a thin, wan smile.

Marcia smiled wanly and shook her head.
wan 单语例句

1. He accused Wan of taking bribes from officials Wan had promoted and using public money to buy air conditioners and limousines for his family.

2. A coroner's inquest has ruled that two steel workers who died in the collapse of a steel cage last year in Tsuen Wan died accidentally.

3. A cannabis farm containing 400 plants was found in a residential unit in To Kwa Wan on Tuesday.

4. KUNMING - Four Chinese cargo ships and a Myanmar patrol boat were attacked early on Jan 4 at Wan Pung Port in Myanmar.

5. This is the very first time the Liaison Office chief has categorically rejected ridiculous accusations such as " Sai Wan rules Hong Kong ".

6. " Actually I don't desperately need the money, " Wan said.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. The torch relay will start from the UC Centenary Garden in Tsim Sha Tsui and end at the Golden Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai.

8. wan是什么意思

8. Journalists who wan to cover the " two sessions " can download application forms from the press center website and send it back after filling in them.

9. The service has secured additional funding from the Department of Health to set up a central office in Wan Chai.

10. The clash started at a chain store in Wan Chai, where people rushed to buy imported baby formula when the store opened in the morning.

wan 英英释义



1. wan

1. become pale and sickly


1. lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness

    e.g. a wan smile

2. abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress

    e.g. the pallid face of the invalid
           her wan face suddenly flushed

    Synonym: pale pallid

3. (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness
    dim or feeble

    e.g. the pale light of a half moon
           a pale sun
           the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street
           a pallid sky
           the pale (or wan) stars
           the wan light of dawn

    Synonym: pale pallid sick
