
waltz [wɔ:ls]  [wɔ:lts] 






waltz 基本解释


名词华尔兹舞; 华尔兹舞曲

及物动词与…跳华尔兹舞; 带领,率领或迫使

不及物动词轻快地走动; 旋转; 豪不费力地完成一项工作

waltz 相关例句


1. He waltzed her round the room.


1. He waltzed across to Helen and sat down beside her.

2. We can't just waltz up to a complete stranger.


1. I like dancing the waltz.

waltz 网络解释


1. 华尔兹圆舞曲:本片的音乐依然是久石让打造的,但我却听不出什么亮点来,在主题曲当中,唯一让我会心一笑的就是:这明显是改变自斯特劳斯(strauss)的华尔兹圆舞曲(waltz),久石氏把它变成了一首融合爱尔兰风情以及南英格兰手风琴畅快的协奏曲,

waltz 词典解释

1. 华尔兹舞曲;圆舞曲
    A waltz is a piece of music with a rhythm of three beats in each bar, which people can dance to.

    e.g. ...Tchaikovsky's 'Waltz of the Flowers'.

2. 华尔兹舞
    A waltz is a dance in which two people hold each other and move around the floor doing special steps in time to waltz music.

    e.g. Arthur Murray taught the foxtrot, the tango and the waltz.

3. 跳华尔兹舞
    If you waltz with someone, you dance a waltz with them.

    e.g. 'Waltz with me,' he said, taking her hand...
    e.g. Couples are waltzing round the wooden floor...

4. waltz的翻译

4. (像跳华尔兹舞一样)轻松自如地进行,游刃有余地做
    If you say that someone waltzes somewhere, you mean that they do something in a relaxed and confident way.

    e.g. She's probably got herself a new man and gone waltzing off with him...
    e.g. My cousin Henry, he waltzes in a few months later at three times the salary.

waltz 单语例句

1. Now a murky green - not blue as immortalized in the Strauss waltz - the river flows through four former communist nations.

2. waltz

2. " Now it could even dance a waltz rhythm while posing for a photograph with tourists, " the owner said.

3. waltz的近义词

3. Classical waltz pieces from Austria will be played in celebration of the New Year.

4. Classical waltz pieces from Vienna and Austria will be played in celebration of the New Year.

5. Chinese style line dancing were for most while the waltz was popular for those with partners.

6. waltz

6. South Korean and Japanese couples won the Viennese waltz and the quickstep.

7. Hong Kong actor Ng Kai Wa does a waltz in the " Dancing Together " show.

8. waltz的翻译

8. To listen to it playing Strauss'waltz is like watching a Viennese painting while the polkas remind one of Viennese Bonbons.

9. waltz

9. As Christoph Waltz collected his best supporting actor trophy he saw a huge monitor that counted down from 45 seconds.

10. This was her first attempt at the waltz and she told METRO they enjoyed the free lesson very much.

waltz 英英释义



1. waltz的近义词

1. a ballroom dance in triple time with a strong accent on the first beat

    Synonym: valse

2. danci.911cha.com

2. music composed in triple time for waltzing

3. an assured victory (especially in an election)

    Synonym: walk-in


1. dance a waltz

    Synonym: waltz around
