1. 城墙:宇宙中的互相吸引是因为万有引力的缘故,而这很可能也是星系们成簇(clusters)城墙(walls)的原因. 但是当科学家们想要解释那些促使星系在一起的重力效应时,他们却被一个难解的矛盾给难住了.
2. 墙壁:.房间的墙壁(Walls),地板(floor)和天花板(Ceil)都可以调整颜色和纹理的,房间编辑器显示成一个带当前纹理贴图的方形图框.直接选择方框就可以定义新的颜色和纹理.
3. 墙:--关于村民和基本建筑告诉大家一个修建筑的技巧:有的建筑常常需要一下子修上几个,比如民居(House)、农场(Farm)、塔(Tower)和城墙(Walls)等,你可以在建筑菜单中选择后按住SHIFT键,在你要修的地方放好就行了,这样能一下子放很多个,
4. 和路雪:这项由英国联合利华(Unilever)采用和路雪(Walls)冰淇淋进行的研究表明,吃一勺凉凉的冰淇淋就像听自己最喜欢的音乐,欣赏自己最钟爱的电影的感觉一样能够让人快乐,欣喜,身心愉悦这样令人欣喜的理由着实让爱吃冰淇淋的时尚一族有了放纵自己的小借口
1. The images show bustling roads underneath the gates and walls stuffed with passengers, rickshaws and later cumbersome buses.
2. Nearby residential dwellings had their windows and some walls blown in by the force of the explosion.
3. It is widely known that he made a right mess of his Hackney home by smearing the walls with blood and excrement.
4. walls
4. The Shangrao Concentration Camp was surrounded by high walls and wire netting, with densely distributed lookout posts and stern guards.
5. walls什么意思
5. It is a cafe library and book shop all in one, with walls of towering shelves stuffed with books both in English and Chinese.
6. walls
6. The ancient Chinese paintings and calligraphic works on the walls further underscore the family theme.
7. The walls are decorated with famous historical figures discussing the important health properties of cuisine, while the floor is made up of the bricks carved with calligraphy.
8. walls
8. The rest of the canteen food was so bad that students stuck protest posters on the walls.
9. The canyon's walls prevented them from radioing their positions to their colleagues, just as Serial Two had not radioed its change in plans.
10. walls的意思
10. The lavish display prompted cheers among the crowd and culminated with a cascade of white lights that poured down the castle's walls.