wall painting

wall painting [wɔ:l ˈpeintiŋ]  [wɔl ˈpentɪŋ] 

wall painting 基本解释



wall painting 网络解释

wall painting的解释

1. 壁画:这是两汉的墓室(coffin chamber)壁画(wall painting),是上古绘画遗存中更为珍贵的,题材主要取之于礼教和神仙、天上与人间的同形的观念. 艺术作风上倾向于追求整体动势、不求细节模拟的粗线条,

2. 墙面粉刷:安装窗帘架、盒 Blind Frame Stall | 墙面粉刷 Wall Painting | 供电线路改造 Electricity Repairing

wall painting 单语例句

1. The painting on the wall and flowerpots in the corner add to the charm.

2. On the front wall is a huge ceramic mural painting of a white cloud and a yellow crane.

3. The painting on the southern wall of the chamber portrays the hostess and her female guests.

4. A cartoonish painting of President Bush in the nude has been taken down from the wall at the City Museum of Washington.

5. Guo began painting walls as a youngster, when as a kindergartner he would take pens to the wall of his Wuhan home.

6. The centerpiece of one living room wall is a picture of the King of Thailand while a painting of the Jiuzhaigou scenery adorns another.

7. A wall painting of Santa Claus puffing on a cigarette next to a panda sucking a lollipop says it all.

8. The painting Garnett selected was a detailed piece of cheese, which now hangs on the wall of her Shanghai kitchen.

9. " I kept a whole wall for the painting for proper display, " Zhang says.

10. The main structure has been capped on time while indoor wall construction and painting are under way.

wall painting 英英释义



1. a painting that is applied to a wall surface

    Synonym: mural
