walk away

walk away [wɔ:k əˈwei]  [wɔk əˈwe] 

walk away 基本解释
walk away 网络解释

1. 离去:他曾担任过丹麦街(Denmark Street)畅销杂志<<音乐快递>>(Musical Express)的记者;当过脱口秀艺人;脍炙人口的小说<<离去>>(Walk Away)中的主人翁麦特.蒙洛(Matt Monro)便是出自他的手(故事描写成熟男人与年轻女孩之间的爱利在电

2. 离开:据波士顿观察报报导,美国司法部门在庭上一度驳斥旧金山和平条约与美国是否仍具有台湾主要占领权国一事并不相关,而未提出具体论述,引起法官惊讶,法官甚至说出,难不成美国要拍拍屁股离开(walk away)不管条约的义务?

3. 离开你:12.Don't let me go 不要让我走 | 13.Walk Away 离开你 | 14.Love Crime 爱的罪行

4. 轉身離開:Where Is Your Heart心歸何處 | Walk Away轉身離開 | You Found Me 你發現了我

walk away 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. He could easily walk away from the game, but he's just not quite ready to call it quits.

2. walk away的解释

2. Encourage your child to walk away from a situation when he is angry, and allow him to spend some time alone to calm down.

3. Bush and his advisers have made clear that they will walk away from the treaty if they have to.

4. And Benitez suggested if he didn't get that support, then he would be prepared to walk away from the club.

5. The restaurant is conveniently located if you're planning to hop on the Airport Express - just a short walk and an elevator ride away.

6. " It's against our nature to walk away from a search, " Major Cynthia Ryan of the Nevada CAP said.

7. Traffic police had to walk through the jammed road to wake up the drivers snoring away in their vehicles.

8. A deal brokered after heavy fighting in the Shiite holy city of Najaf in August allowed his militia to walk away with its weapons.

9. Britain's Daily Mirror tabloid reported that the actor was able to walk away from the vehicle and flag down other motorists for help.

10. He would walk every day to the stock exchange, about three bus stops away from his home.

walk away 英英释义

walk away


1. go away from

    e.g. The actor walked off before he got his cue
           I got annoyed and just walked off

    Synonym: walk off
