
waive [weɪv]  [wev] 






waive 基本解释

及物动词宣布放弃; 搁置; 推迟; 放弃(权利、要求等)

waive 相关例句


1. He waived his claim to all the land west of the river.

waive 网络解释

1. 免除:如果嫌犯对两个问题的回答都是yes,那意味着嫌犯自动放弃权力. 如果嫌犯对第一个问题的回答是no,那么执法官一定要重复一遍米兰达警告. 如果嫌犯对第二个问题的回答是no,那么嫌犯援引了(invoke)他的权利. 上述情况下,直到权力被免除(waive)前,执法官不可以审问嫌犯.

2. 丢弃:定性 determination on the nature | 丢弃 waive | 东北人民政府 Northeast People's Government

3. 放弃;弃权:131 voucher 保证人;凭证;凭单;折价券 | 132 waive 放弃;弃权 | 133 workmanship 技巧;手艺

waive 词典解释

1. waive的反义词

1. 放弃(合法权利等)
    If you waive your right to something, for example legal representation, you choose not to have it or do it.

    e.g. He pleaded guilty to the murders of three boys and waived his right to appeal.

2. (特定情况下)不强求执行(规则等)
    If someone waives a rule, they say that people do not have to obey it in a particular situation.

    e.g. The art gallery waives admission charges on Sundays...
    e.g. The authorities had agreed to waive normal requirements for permits to cross the border.

waive 单语例句

1. He previously told the Times that he would not waive that salary, forcing the Bulls to buy out the final year.

2. Japan agreed to waive tests for cattle under 21 months because experts say that risk of infection among cows that age is negligible.

3. waive的反义词

3. He was scheduled to make an initial appearance Tuesday, but Cheshire said his client would probably waive it.

4. The bill also allows the administration to waive the authority based on national security and hold a suspect in civilian custody.

5. China is expected to waive tolls for vehicles on four important national holidays, as part of an attempt to ease congested traffic during annual travel peaks.

6. He suggested the government deduct or waive tax on people's medical expenses.

7. waive什么意思

7. Some local governments are facing financial difficulties that will see 20 per cent of western schools unable to fully waive the tuition fees.

8. The Legislative Council yesterday carried the proposal to waive the levy after a hot debate, but vetoed an amendment to scrap it on a permanent basis.

9. waive的近义词

9. The Senate changed the bill to give Bush authority to waive all of the penalties if he deems it in the national interest.

10. Many legal practitioners both inside and outside his party will waive their fees and accept the case pro bono.

waive 英英释义


1. lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime

    e.g. you've forfeited your right to name your successor
           forfeited property

    Synonym: forfeit give up throw overboard forgo forego

2. do without or cease to hold or adhere to

    e.g. We are dispensing with formalities
           relinquish the old ideas

    Synonym: relinquish forgo forego foreswear dispense with
