wage increase

wage increase

wage increase 单语例句

1. Hussain added that the government also should increase the country's minimum wage and minimum pension levels.

2. She said the increase is not enough because inflation and the recently established minimum wage have added to the costs.

3. wage increase

3. Minimum wage also increases the cost of many low end shops and they have no choice but to increase their prices.

4. This is the second increase in five months in Shanghai, whose minimum wage is now the highest in the country.

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5. A 12 percent increase has been suggested for those who haven't got an increment for several years and receive only half the average wage.

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6. The government has also raised the income tax threshold and plans to increase minimum wage levels to improve living standards and boost consumption.

7. This results in low profits and slow wage increase, which in the end dampen consumption.

8. Despite the increase, the minimum wage is still quite low compared with the average wage level.

9. But Bangladesh's government is considering an increase in the minimum wage.

10. Some economists warn the minimum wage increase might invite a surge of unemployment because many small businesses cannot afford it.
