
wacky ['wækɪ]  [ˈwæki] 




wacky 基本解释


wacky 网络解释

1. 古怪的:wacke 玄土 | wacky 古怪的 | wad 小块

2. 都是大麻:另外,还有许多大麻的同义字. 像是:bammer, bonic, brown, bud, buddha, cannabis,... | sess, shake, shit, skunk, stress, tabacci, Thai, tical, wacky, and weed. 都是大麻. | All that 完美的. Ex. She thinks s...

3. 摄魂:asdffdsa 黑风羊 | wacky 摄魂 | include 水老鼠

4. 古怪的,疯癫的:understate 打着折扣说, 保守地说, 有意轻描淡写 | wacky 古怪的,疯癫的 | weak-kneed 软弱的, 不果断的

wacky 词典解释

1. 古怪的;乖僻的;滑稽可笑的
    If you describe something or someone as wacky, you mean that they are eccentric, unusual, and often funny.

    e.g. ...a wacky new television comedy series...
    e.g. Wacky ideas are commonplace among space scientists.

wacky 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Steve always approaches everything he does trying to come from a real place, as opposed to a wacky place.

2. wacky的近义词

2. He made his name on the quirky fast food documentary " Super Size Me, " and recently peered inside the wacky world of product placement in movies.

3. I hope what you get from it is a sense of honesty, candidness and the understanding that wacky things happen to all of us.

4. But that amazing color is real, thanks to the minerals in glacial silts and the wacky way they reflect light.

5. This sets up a series of allegedly wacky adventures in which the two friends try to find the kangaroo.

6. A wacky scavenger hunt is taking shape in Beijing and it's starting to look a lot like The Amazing Race.

7. I set the bar low for myself and I don't try to be wacky.

8. The ads misleadingly present this as a wacky romantic comedy, but it's far grimmer.

9. The case marked the beginning of a decade of decline for Jackson - but the wacky behavior continued.

10. wacky

10. In the world of the weird and wacky, the animal kingdom was the big winner in 2005.

wacky 英英释义


1. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular

    e.g. it used to drive my husband balmy

    Synonym: balmy barmy bats batty bonkers buggy cracked crackers daft dotty fruity haywire kooky kookie loco loony loopy nuts nutty round the bend around the bend whacky

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. ludicrous, foolish

    e.g. gave me a cockamamie reason for not going
           wore a goofy hat
           a silly idea
           some wacky plan for selling more books

    Synonym: cockamamie cockamamy goofy sappy silly whacky zany
