
vulgarity [vʌlˈgærəti]  [vʌlˈɡærɪti] 


vulgarity 基本解释

名词粗俗; 庸俗; 粗野的行为; 粗俗的话

vulgarity 网络解释

1. 粗鄙 粗鄙:visitation 探亲,探视;临检 探亲,探视;临检 | vulgarity 粗鄙 粗鄙 | vulnerability 弱点,易受伤害 弱点,易受伤害

2. 粗鄙:visitation 探亲,探视;临检 | vulgarity 粗鄙 | vulnerability 弱点,易受伤害

3. 鄙吝:vulgarism /粗鄙/俗语/下流话/ | vulgarity /鄙吝/ | vulgarize /使通俗化/使粗俗/使下流/

vulgarity 单语例句

1. But there are also strong voices criticizing " Super Girl " for promoting " vulgarity ", and discouraging youngsters from living life practically by providing instant celebrity.

2. But " Super Girl " also drew official and public criticism for promoting " vulgarity " and discouraging youngsters from living life practically by providing instant celebrity.

3. But " Super Girls " also drew official and public criticism for promoting " vulgarity " and discouraging youngsters from living life practically by providing instant celebrity.

4. Premier fashion designer Coco Chanel once said that luxury was not the opposite of poverty, but rather the opposite of vulgarity.

5. But we are obliged to turn a cold shoulder to vulgarity, so that it does not erode our social morale and misguide the younger generation.

6. vulgarity

6. So all of us have to make efforts to spread honesty and compassion, and to stay away from and condemn wrongdoings and vulgarity.

7. " But freeing the Web from vulgarity is a huge and complex task, " he said.

8. A recent scandal involving a famous brand airing a controversial advertisement has put the spotlight on the issue of vulgarity in advertising.


9. " Parody videos run the risk of degrading into vulgarity, " admitted Zhou.

10. It is unbecoming of an educational TV program to telecast vulgarity in the name of entertainment.

vulgarity 英英释义



1. the quality of lacking taste and refinement

    Synonym: coarseness commonness grossness vulgarism raunch
