
voter [ˈvəʊtə(r)]  [ˈvoʊtə(r)] 


voter 基本解释


voter 网络解释

1. 表决器:三机表决系统:三台主机同时运行,由表决器 (Voter)根据三台机器的运行结果进行表决,有两个以上的机器运行结果相同,则认定该结果为正确. 通常可靠性比双机系统要高. 缺点:成本高. 当一台机器出现故障后表决已失去意义,

2. 投票人(界别分组选民:投票权;选举权;选民范围 franchise | 投票人(界别分组选民 voter | 投票人数 voter turnout

voter 词典解释

1. 选民;投票人;选举人
    Voters are people who have the legal right to vote in elections, or people who are voting in a particular election.

    e.g. The turnout was at least 62 percent of registered voters...
    e.g. Austrian voters went to the polls this weekend to elect a successor to the President.

voter 单语例句

1. Aso's Liberal Democratic Party faces a tough battle in a general election due by October, with the main opposition Democratic Party now leading in voter polls.

2. voter的意思

2. Bremer cited the absence of election laws, voter lists and reliable census data as obstacles to a quick election.

3. voter是什么意思

3. Some held their identity cards above their heads or pinned enlarged photocopies of their voter cards on their chests to show their French citizenship.

4. voter

4. Malaysia's election commission hotly denied the charges that it had rigged the voter list.

5. The problems in Florida included a brief computer system crash in one county and voter complaints of incomplete paper ballots.

6. WASHINGTON - The White House on Monday extended congratulations to the Venezuelans on the peaceful conclusion of the presidential election with a high voter turnout.

7. The strong voter mandate behind this five seat constituency has earned it the nickname of " super seat ".

8. The elections demonstrate that the DPP is a resilient party whose candidates and ideas still continue to attract significant voter support.

9. voter的意思

9. The departure comes as Blair struggles to regain voter trust amid plunging popularity ratings and dispel perceptions that style trumps substance.

10. voter是什么意思

10. He and other voting rights advocates said the disproportionate number of Democrats reporting such problems was probably due to higher awareness of voter protection coalitions.

voter 英英释义


1. a citizen who has a legal right to vote

    Synonym: elector
