vote out

vote out [vəut aut]  [vot aʊt] 

vote out 基本解释


vote out 网络解释

1. 出局的:vote on 表决 | vote out 出局的 | vote the split ticket 投多党的票

2. 投票使(原任者)落选:vote sb. into the chair 选举某人当主席 | vote out 投票使(原任者)落选 | vote through 投票通过

vote out 词典解释

1. 投票免去…的职务
    If people vote out a particular person or political party, they give that person or party so few votes in an official election that they no longer hold a position of power.

    e.g. And if the President doesn't make things better, other voters say, we'll vote him out, too...
    e.g. They cannot join forces to vote her out of office...

vote out 单语例句

1. Nearly 6 million ballots were cast in the presidential vote last year out of 17 million registered voters.

2. US presidential hopefuls have made their final pitches to the people of Iowa, urging them to turn out and vote in Thursday's caucus.

3. Members of Wahid's own party and a small Christian group walked out before the vote was taken and a faction representing the military abstained.

4. He said he prefers legislation the Senate will vote on next week that would order combat troops to be out of Iraq by next spring.

5. Republicans call the whole affair a political game and walked out of the House vote on the contempt citations in protest.

6. The sedate reaction represents a vote of confidence in the management team that Jobs assembled to carry out his vision.

7. He called on Afghan officials to organize a " free, fair and credible election " with enough security encourage people to turn out and vote.

8. The vote should encourage EU leaders to find a quicker way out of the doldrums, said German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

9. Before every elector casts his vote, the decision must be fully thought out.

10. While Obama reached out energetically to members of both parties, he didn't win a single Republican vote in the House.

vote out 英英释义


1. thwart the passage of

    e.g. kill a motion
           he shot down the student's proposal

    Synonym: kill shoot down defeat vote down
