





voices 基本解释
呼声;嗓音( voice的名词复数 );语态;有…嗓音的…;
voices 网络解释

1. 人声:CHORUS 合唱队 | VOICES 人声 | RHYTHNIC 律动性音乐拨钮

2. (读者之声):Kirsten in Shanghai(克里斯滕在上海) | Voices(读者之声) | Personal Essay from Kevin in America(小王在美国)

3. 说话:And then that's when I start hearing the voices.|同时我还会听见人说话 | Voices?|说话 | I get this paranoid feeling there are people outside the stall,|我总是觉得在单间外面有人

voices 单语例句

1. In China there is a cottage industry that pays people to act as if they are the voices of the public.

2. Ye added he was not surprised by the absence of the farmers'voices, as he has seen China's farmers taken for granted for decades.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. A cacophony of Chinese voices erupted around me, not unlike the sound of 20 excited parrots.

4. " Great to hear your voices, " station astronaut Michael Barratt called out when the two spacecraft were 4 miles apart.

5. voices的翻译

5. The student is part of a chorus of voices calling for Kong to resign.

6. The event was particularly touching when the prisoners sang Mother in the Candlelight, as their voices mixed with sounds of weeping.

7. The resonant voices and the palatable wine cast our mind to the pure lands among lofty mountains and emerald rivers.

8. voices

8. His critics portrayed him as an uncompromising and hotheaded conservative who shut out or retaliated against any voices of caution or dissent.

9. voices的意思

9. Analysts say Tehran's new caution partly shows the growing influence of more moderate or pragmatic voices among the ruling elite since December.

10. But there are voices raised that caution against too much exuberance in the control.
