voice communication

voice communication [vɔis kəˌmju:niˈkeiʃən]  [vɔɪs kəˌmjunɪˈkeʃən] 

voice communication 基本解释



voice communication 网络解释

1. 语音通信:人们只要佩带上一种徽章,语音通信(Voice Communication)目前,大多数数据通信技术都是伴随着终端、扫描仪、意识通信(Mind Communications )计算机能读出人的思想吗?

2. 话音通信:voice channel 声频电路 | voice communication 话音通信 | voice distress switch box 音响呼救开关盒

3. 电话通信:voice coil motor 音圈电动机 | voice communication 电话通信 | voice encryption device 话音编码器

4. 音频通信:voice channel 传声管 | voice communication 音频通信 | voice frequency 音频

5. voice communication:vocom; 语音通信

voice communication 单语例句

1. Bernanke has found his'voice'and markets have become accustomed to his style of communication.

voice communication 英英释义



1. voice communication在线翻译

1. (language) communication by word of mouth

    e.g. his speech was garbled
           he uttered harsh language
           he recorded the spoken language of the streets

    Synonym: speech speech communication spoken communication spoken language language oral communication
