viva voce

viva voce [ˌvaɪvə ˈvəʊtʃi]  [ˌvaɪvə ˈvoʊtʃi] 

viva voce 基本解释




viva voce 网络解释

viva voce在线翻译

1. 答辩:经历长达两小时的答辩(Viva Voce)及后十五分钟的少许等候,於下午十二时二十三分,在计算机学院的头(Head of the Faculty of Engineering)和校外主考官(External Examiner)的共同宣布下,我的研究论文及答辩都通过了(哇!

2. 口头:venditio 卖 | viva voce 口头 | zygocephalum 土地测量

3. 做出声音:vituperative 责骂的 | viva voce 做出声音 | viva 万岁

4. 口头方式:oral submissions 口述陈词 | viva voce 口头方式 | oral proceedings 口头的法律程序

viva voce 双语例句

1. More: written examination, vivavoce, viva voce, oral, viva, examination oral


2. Its supposed to be my teaching diploma viva voce report.

3. I has passed the written examination, But the viva voce has not!

4. A viva voce vote for each proposal, shouting aye/no at the same time.

5. At the end of the period of study the results of the research are embodied in a thesis which is examined by a viva voce examination, when a candidate is required to defend his or her thesis.

6. If the meeting is not happy with what the chairman hears, they can request a show of hands, in which the chairman's favourite is put against another one which is decided by a viva voce vote.

7. Degrees when graduation, If the paper is published before the viva voce.
    D 学位中的任意一个。

8. Examination of each participant`s thesis will involve a viva voce and an external assessor with expertise in the subject or topic area of the thesis.

9. Secondly, new TOEFL is an internet-based test, and IELTS combines paper-based test with viva voce, while CET mainly applies paper-based testing method.

viva voce 英英释义


1. an examination conducted by spoken communication

    Synonym: oral oral exam oral examination viva


1. orally

    e.g. I heard it viva voce

    Synonym: by word of mouth
