
vingt-et-un [ˌvænteɪ'ɜ:n]  [ˌvænˌteɪ'ɜ:n] 

vingt-et-un 基本解释
vingt-et-un 双语例句

1. He was a capital hand at speculation and vingt-et-un, and all the merry round games, which kept the little circle round the cabin-lamp so deep in innocent amusement, that a hurricane might have howled overhead without their hearing it; but he freely owned that he had no talet for whist, and that he didn't know a knight from a castle upon the chess-board.

vingt-et-un 英英释义


1. a gambling game using cards
    the object is to hold cards having a higher count than those dealt to the banker up to but not exceeding 21

    Synonym: blackjack twenty-one
