


villains 基本解释
恶棍( villain的名词复数 );罪犯;反面人物;淘气鬼;
villains 网络解释


1. 坏蛋:你会不会经常好奇那些电影里的反派们有着怎样的生活,他们又有哪些不为人知的秘密呢?环球公司为了满足大家的好奇准备根据Viper Comics公司的漫画<<坏蛋>>(Villains)改编拍摄一部影片.

2. 恶人:主要是说:别人怎么看你并不重要,重要的是你自己是怎么看自己的,自己才是自己的最大敌人. 一大帮恶人(villains)因为Artie这段话,纷纷放下了屠刀. 这就是语言的教化力量,它是有这种威力的,因为它能让人转变观念.

3. (坏人系列):我还推荐阅读<<精灵国度三部曲(Elven Nations)>>和<<矮人国度三部曲(Dwarven Nations)>>,这两套书分别讲述了这两个种族的历史. <<魔法守护者三部曲(Defenders of Magic)>>也不错. 如果你想对龙枪战争中的反面人物有更多了解,可以看看<<坏人系列(Villains)>>.

villains 单语例句

1. An Internet game player has filed a lawsuit against a game operator for destroying a sword he used to vanquish villains in cyberspace.

2. It is similar to judging a world by defining people dressed decently as villains and the shabbily dressed as heroes.

3. villains

3. They are villains who exploit both the innocence of these teenagers and people's empathy.

4. We need to deal with this farce seriously, and see that the villains get their due punishment.

5. villains

5. And it's his turn as the malevolent leader of three intergalactic villains that gives this sequel its teeth.

6. villains

6. It is not easy because too often villains and prostitutes are the plum roles while heroes or victims are vapid.

7. Chelsea had gone 71 home league games unbeaten and had to battle furiously to keep the run going against the spirited Villains.

8. That sends the villains calling, putting Bob and his young charges on the run for their lives.

9. I think you have to savor and enjoy playing villains, and the beauty about him is that he had no remorse.

10. And the villains also often change their clothing to try to throw police and their victims off the scent.
