
vicar [ˈvɪkə(r)]  [ˈvɪkər] 


vicar 基本解释

名词(英国国教的)教区牧师; (天主教的)主教代理; 教皇; 代理人

vicar 网络解释

1. 教区牧师:每个主教管区又可分为教区(parish),每个教区由教区牧师(vicar)管辖. 其中有些大的教区,牧师经常配有一个助手,叫做副牧师(curate)来帮助其管理事务. 英国的城市(city)和郡(county)有一个重大区别就在于,英国每一个城市都有一个大教堂(Cathedral),

2. 牧师:Robert承认他是个病人(好小子Robert,敢骗我)Pub(酒馆)- 与Harry对话,提到Mark,,与Tom说话,说你会帮他还债(debt),再和Harry对话说到Tom债务(debt)的事,帮他还上.再和Tom说话,知道William经常在半夜去牧师住处.你可以了解一下牧师(vicar)和挖墓人(grav

3. 代理人:只是在极少数情况下,如我们在威克利夫的著作中,在1445年Olmedo议会的记录和AeneasSylvius的论文中(在教皇庇护二世之后),我们才看到求助于上帝的权威,禁止对国王的任何形式的反抗,因为国王是上帝的代理人(vicar).

4. 宗教:政府:government,authority,sovereign,parliament,treaty,alliance,mayor,etc. | 宗教:clergy,cardinal,parson,vicar,communion, faith,etc. | 法律:bar,judge,suit,jury,evidence, defendant,verdict,etc.

5. vicar:video image communication and retrieval; 视频图像的交流与检索

vicar 词典解释

1. (英国国教的)教区牧师,教区教堂主持
    A vicar is an Anglican priest who is in charge of a church and the area it is in, which is called a parish.

2. (美国新教圣公会的)教堂主持,教区牧师
    A vicar is a priest who is in charge of a chapel that is associated with a parish church in the Episcopal Church in the United States.

vicar 英英释义


1. a Roman Catholic priest who acts for another higher-ranking clergyman

2. vicar在线翻译

2. (Church of England) a clergyman appointed to act as priest of a parish

3. (Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel
