

vi 基本解释


abbr.intransitive verb 不及物动词


vi 网络解释


1. 许可:证明申请无遭受反对或反抗,或反对或反抗均已予和解;(v)获国家原住民委员会(NationalCommissionforIndigenousPeoples)发出许可;(vi)如有需要,向有关地方政府单位展示环境工作项目(EnvironmentalWorkProgram)及探矿工作计划;

2. 编辑器:并为每个文件系统建立一个当前磁盘用来的表 quotacheck -avu #生成每个启用了配额的文件系统的当前磁盘用量表 edquota ftpuser #为用户ftpuser设置磁盘配额 这时系统会在默认文本编辑器(vi)中打开配额文件,显

3. 评论:(iii)未经书面同意,不得使用英特尔的名称或商标来宣传推广您的产品;(iv)禁止反汇编或逆向工程;(v)未经英特尔书面同意,不得对此处的Beta测试版材料发表任何评论;(vi)对由于您发布任何产品所引起的任何索赔或法律诉讼,

4. 画面:可以进入磁盘配额的编辑画面(vi)去设置username的限制值. -g:后接用户组名称. 可以进入磁盘配额的编辑画面(vi)去设置groupname的限制值. -t:可以修改宽限时间(就是超过磁盘配额的最低限制后,还能使用磁盘的宽限期限)-p:复制范本.

5. vi:vr instruments; 虚拟仪器

6. vi:vegetational index; 植被指数

7. vi:visualidentity; 视觉识别

8. vi:volume indexes; 容积指数

9. evacuate vt:ethics n.伦理学,道德学 | evacuate vt.遣送,撤离;vi,撤离,疏散 | evacuation n.后送,撤离

10. prosecute vt:4012 prose n.散文 | 4013 prosecute vt.告发;进行;vi,告发,起诉,做检察官 | 4014 prospect n.前景;展望,可能的主顾

vi 单语例句

1. vi

1. She also said the contaminated waters can be purified through various methods, and the chromium VI can be kept in the soil without entering the ecological chain.

2. The safe and smooth return of Shenzhou VI yesterday morning demonstrated the complete success of China's second manned space mission.

3. Yuchai Group announced on June 29 that it has built China's first diesel engine that meets the Euro VI emission standard.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. China's Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft was maneuvered three times by scientists in the flight control center.

5. vi

5. The Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft in 2005 was maneuvered three times by scientists in the flight control center.

6. vi

6. And last week Zhai again had to watch while others took his dream journey, ruled out of crewing Shenzhou VI just days before launch.

7. Morocco's King Mohammed VI expressed sincere solace to the families of the victims while wishing the injured a quick recovery and praying for China.

8. Morocco's King Mohammed VI yesterday donated $ 1 million to Sichuan province.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Fei lived up to his name yesterday as he blasted off into space on the Shenzhou VI spacecraft with a fellow astronaut.

10. The previous record is five days, set by the Shenzhou VI spacecraft in 2005.

vi 英英释义


1. vi的翻译

1. denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units

    Synonym: six 6 half dozen half-dozen
