
vexation [vekˈseɪʃn]  [vɛkˈseʃən] 


vexation 基本解释


名词烦恼; 恼火; 苦恼的原因; 使人恼怒或忧虑的事

vexation 相关例句


1. Much to my vexation, I just missed a chance of visiting China.

2. His face showed his vexation at the delay.

3. Alice is crying with vexation.

vexation 网络解释

1. 烦恼:在这些州中,惩罚性赔偿的主要目的被视为是补偿受害人因被告人恶意不法行为所受到无法用金钱加以精确计算损害,例如精神压抑(mental distress)、烦恼(vexation)、羞辱(humiliation)、愤怒(outrage)等.

2. 怒:冷:indifferent, lukewarm, unsympathetic, noncha... | 怒:rage, outrage, wrath, exasperation, irritation, indignation, resentment, vexation, irate, | 其他:indulgent, paranoia, hostile, resigned, begrudgi...

vexation 词典解释

1. 恼火;困惑;烦恼
    Vexation is a feeling of being annoyed, puzzled, and frustrated.

    e.g. He kicked the broken machine in vexation.

vexation 单语例句

1. vexation

1. Eno s work and partly as a result of his longstanding vexation with the confines of traditional pop songwriting.

2. Nino, the curator of Madrid came to me and expressed his anxiety and vexation.

3. vexation是什么意思

3. " Let's just leave the vexation of next year until it comes, " an upbeat Zheng said.

vexation 英英释义




1. the act of troubling or annoying someone

    Synonym: annoyance annoying irritation

2. something or someone that causes anxiety
    a source of unhappiness

    e.g. New York traffic is a constant concern
           it's a major worry

    Synonym: concern worry headache

3. anger produced by some annoying irritation

    Synonym: annoyance chafe

4. the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed

    Synonym: irritation annoyance botheration
